Root to Rise is committed to connecting farms and schools and supporting lasting relationships. Whether through food waste, field trips, guest speakers or curriculum building and sharing, R2R has resources and funding to make these connections happen.
R2R is supports numerous on the ground initiatives throughout the North Country. If you, your school, your organization or farm would like to be considered for support please fill out the forms below or reach out at [email protected].
R2R is supports numerous on the ground initiatives throughout the North Country. If you, your school, your organization or farm would like to be considered for support please fill out the forms below or reach out at [email protected].
Farms and Schools
R2R supports connecting schools and farms in various ways. Whether informal farm field trips or long term relationships and curriculum development, these connections are essential in introducing schools to local agriculture and strengthening our communities. In connecting and supporting farmers and teachers R2R encourages students to understand the potential and benefits of local agriculture from a health, science, economic and community lense. For farmers, funding is available to cover time spent with schools, both on the farm and in the classroom. There is also funding available to develop farm specific cirriculum. For schools, funding is available for field trips to farms, teacher trainings and PD with local agriculture themes and content. For students, funding is available for paid internships at farms, attending conferences related to local agriculture, or any other creative ideas students wish to pursue relating to local agriculture.
Click below link to apply for support
R2R supports connecting schools and farms in various ways. Whether informal farm field trips or long term relationships and curriculum development, these connections are essential in introducing schools to local agriculture and strengthening our communities. In connecting and supporting farmers and teachers R2R encourages students to understand the potential and benefits of local agriculture from a health, science, economic and community lense. For farmers, funding is available to cover time spent with schools, both on the farm and in the classroom. There is also funding available to develop farm specific cirriculum. For schools, funding is available for field trips to farms, teacher trainings and PD with local agriculture themes and content. For students, funding is available for paid internships at farms, attending conferences related to local agriculture, or any other creative ideas students wish to pursue relating to local agriculture.
Click below link to apply for support
Local Food Access
Root to Rise supports local food access programs in a variety of ways and is committed to providing local food to those in need in the North Country. By connecting farms, food pantries and food access organizations, R2R sponsors CSA memberships for families and individuals and provides funding for food pantries and community dinners to buy local produce and meats. Click below link to apply for support. |