Current and Past Projects
Current Projects
R2R is working with Paul Karpawich, and his funding through the World Wildlife Fund, on a couple north country projects. One is bringing food waste collection into schools, Profile, Lafayette, Bethlehem Elementary and Landaff schools all started or expanded their current programs. We are also working with Paul and Rachel Arbor in developing agricultural related curriculums schools can integrate into current standards. These will be complemented with guest speakers and fields trips to local farms. Stay tuned for more details.
R2R is also hosting farmer listening sessions pot lucks throughout the north country to discover what farmers need and how we can help. The first one is December 7, 2024 in Bethlehem. Others will be posted as decided, but email us if you'd like to be kept in the loop, [email protected]. |
Videos & Webinars
Hoop House Video Part 1
Hoop House Video Part 2
- Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective - a beautiful documentary introducing the many ways people are applying permaculture to a variety of landscapes. From backyard gardens to rooftops in urban areas and mushroom farms in the woods, Inhabit is the story of creatively regenerating our environment and our communities. (*Note: look for our very own Steve Whitman, board member of Root to Rise, in this film)
- The Need to Grow - Produced and Narrated by Rosario Dawson, this film follows the story of three courageous individuals who are dedicating their lives to building soil and resiliency in creative ways.